Thieves hope with all the excitement surrounding your upcoming holiday that you will forget to lock a door or secure a window. All it takes is one overlooked area …
Tired of travelling to England and seeing the same old sights and landmarks? Consider changing things up a little and planning your next trip to England to coincide with …
With terror alerts, uprisings, riots, conflicts, bushfires, floods and epidemics, when is it safe to travel?
It surprises many people to discover that the now popular festival was never intended to be a yearly event. The first “Oktoberfest” was actually a festival and celebration held …
Checking in for an international flight is one of the most time-consuming and frustrating tasks. Unlike local flights where you can quickly check-in from a computer or mobile phone …
There are certain destinations and attractions which are off-limits to independent travellers. These places can only be reached on a tour, where you don’t have a choice and where …
As well as saving yourself a bit of cash, asking for an extra plane meal could have environmental benefits. That’s because if there’s any fresh food left over at …
For many years, when you sat down to plan your upcoming holiday, you probably didn’t even think of heading to Sri Lanka. Between the destruction from a major tsunami …
When you think about the best time to take a holiday, you often think of holidays at Christmas and Easter or during the blazing summer months. You probably don’t …
The musician Frank Zappa once said that you need two things to be considered a real country: an airline and a beer. Zappa, however, was missing something, probably the most …